Lancashire Local History Federation

Since the early 1970s there has been a remarkable growth in popular interest in the local and family history of Lancashire . All over the County and beyond its borders, individuals have become actively involved in research and writing, in local history groups and societies. Today there is scarcely a town in the County Palatine that does not have a local history society and there are several major family history organisations to cater for those who are tracing their Lancashire ancestors.

Across the pre-1974 County and taking in parts of what are now Cheshire , Merseyside, Greater Manchester and Cumbria , the LLHF helps to co-ordinate the activities of the numerous local and family history societies and organisations that are its members. We act as a clearing house for the exchange of information and the promotion of the varied activities that local societies undertake.

The Federation was founded in 1973 so that individuals and societies could work together and could share their ideas and knowledge. These aims have remained central to its work ever since. Today the Federation has a large membership of eighty societies and many more individuals and is one of the biggest such organisations in Britain .

The Federation holds several meetings each year, with a varied and interesting programme.

Day Schools.

Recent subjects have included Lancashire Roads and Vernacular Architecture. Speakers are chosen for their depth of knowledge of the subject, and help to provide a very interesting and worthwhile day

At Home With.

Each year a member society is "At Home" for the day to act as hosts and to organise a combination of talks and visits to reflect their own locality or sphere of influence. In recent years we have been at home in Leyland, Tatham, St Helens, Westhoughton and Ribchester, thanks to the local societies. We would be delighted to hear from any society which would like to host an At Home, and can give full guidance to assist them to make it a success.

Annual General Meeting

Our AGM is usually held "online" using Zoom to allow as many members as possible to join in. The business of the AGM is kept brief and this is followed by a talk from an interesting speaker. 

Events for 2024

"At Home" - Chorley Heritage Centre Support Group will be hosting the "At Home" this year on Saturday 13th July. Full details are on the News Pages.

Day School - The 2024 Day School will be about the canals of Lancashire and will be held on 2nd November. 

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